Congratulation to Member Leslie Trujillo-Batts for an Honorable Mention in the 2021 Pastel Journal 22nd Annual Pastel 100 Show! Her painting, Equal Opportunity, won in the Still Life & Floral category.
Leslie and Member Becky Johnson were awarded prizes in the annual Mile-High Show, Pastel Society of Colorado, juried by Alain Picard. View the show here:
Best of Show/Sally Davidson-Marovich Award
by Leslie Trujillo-Batts
This expertly crafted still life carries a strong and imaginative concept through to the very last touch of pastel. Filled with dazzling reflections, shimmering surface effects, and a strikingly cohesive design.The artist has brought the story of the golden pear to fruition with the most exacting attention to detail. The closer you approach to view this painting, the more you will be rewarded.”
— Juror and Awards Judge: Alain J. Picard
Terry Ludwig Pastels Award of Excellence
Gunnison River Evening
by Becky Johnson
In this harmonious painting of the sun setting over a snowy river, the glowing light of dusk illuminates a strong and simple arrangement of shapes, casting glimmering light upon the water between the snow covered ice. This lavender harmony is intoxicating, providing the viewer with an enchanting mood.”
— Juror and Awards Judge: Alain J. Picard
Member Mary Sexton had Sunning accepted into the Red Rocks Pastel Society’s 2021 Member Show.
Member Leslie Trujillo-Batts sold a painting at the Sangre De Cristo show, came away with the Best of Show Award, PLUS, after viewing Leslie’s artwork at that venue, Adrienne Belafonte Biesemeyer (daughter of Harry Belafonte) recommended that Leslie apply for an exhibition at the National Museum for Women in the Arts in Washington D.C. Consequently, Leslie is currently working on building a required body of work to fulfill application criteria for the exhibition and she hopes for completion by next January. Congratulations to Leslie for this recognition. View her work at
Member Becky Johnson has had a painting juried into the 2019 IAPS (International Association of Pastel Societies) Convention exhibition this summer in Alberquerque, NM, June 4 – 9. This is a very prestigious show that is held every 2 years with top-notch artists from around the world. Congratulations to you, Becky! View Becky’s work at
Members Fran Dodd and George Hart, both of West Pueblo, were featured in an article titled “The pure pigment of pastels”, in the You can read the article here.